تم تسجيل حلقتين في برنامج تراثنا الشعبي والذي يعده ويقدمه الأستاذ محمد الفاتح يوسف أبوعاقلة
ولقد أسست الحلقة الاولى للمفاهيم العامة عن التراث الشعبي وتعريفاته ومجالاته وأهميته وروافده من المعارف والعلوم المختلفة.
أما الحلقة الثانية فقد كانت تحت عنوان (الأبعاد التربوية والجمالية في تراث عرب الزيادية بشمال دارفور) وكان ضيف الحلقة الدكتور أحمد سمي جدو
الدكتور أحمد سمي جدو ومحمد الفاتح أبوعاقلة
Two episodes were recorded in our popular program, Our Folklore, which prepared and presented by Mr. Muhammad Alfatih Yusuf Abu'aaqla
The first episode established of the general concepts of folklore and definitions and the fields and its importance and its tributaries from the knowledge and science.
The second episode was titled (dimensions of educational and aesthetic heritage of the Arab Al- ZIYADIA, North Darfur) and the guest of the episode, was Dr. Ahmed Sami Geddo
The first episode established of the general concepts of folklore and definitions and the fields and its importance and its tributaries from the knowledge and science.
The second episode was titled (dimensions of educational and aesthetic heritage of the Arab Al- ZIYADIA, North Darfur) and the guest of the episode, was Dr. Ahmed Sami Geddo